-- Summer Vacation in RMNP -- |
It's been one year and one day since the birth of the Gin Clear blog - an Experiment in Creativity. A lot has changed in my life over the last year - two jobs, a son heading to collage, a daughter celebrating her 21st birthday and a loving wife,
always putting up with my BS who lets me go fishing, was elected to her third term as town selectman.
The highlight of the year was our wonderful vacation in Colorado - our first fly fishing family vacation.
During the year, I've been virtually immersed into a passionate and welcoming social fly fishing community - blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vimeo, YouTube, Goggle+ - every interaction is positive and supportive. If only the rest of the world was this way.
I truly enjoy being here. I appreciate that you are actually reading this and occasionally have a nice comment to add. I appreciate the great content everyone in this community shares and contributes. Through your words, images, art, videos and deeds, I see people who care about their families, the environment and the future. It's refreshing.
Happy Easter! Enjoy this special time with your family and friends.
Oh yeah, just like a year ago, the Red Sox are off to a stellar start, 0-2.
Thanks for visting.